Did you ever fall asleep in history class? You’re not alone. History can be boring when focusing on only dates and statistics. Historium seeks to find the narrative of history in some of the most unlikely places. Seamlessly blending history and storytelling, Jake Barton draws you into historical tales you’ve probably never heard before.
#81 GRAVEYARD OF EMPIRES - The Ballad of Shah Shuja
Jake Barton
In early 19th century Afghanistan, two warring dynasties contend for the throne. While the Sadozai brothers—grandsons of the empire’s founding king—feud amongst themselves, the Barakzai clan plots its ascendance.
Shuja ul-Mulk of the Sadozais and Dost Mohammed Khan of the Barakzais grow up together in court, but as young men they become bitter enemies. Eventually, they must face each other on the battlefield.
For the more episodes and the rest of the series: https://www.patreon.com/historium
Complete original score by (MST).
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