Did you ever fall asleep in history class? You’re not alone. History can be boring when focusing on only dates and statistics. Historium seeks to find the narrative of history in some of the most unlikely places. Seamlessly blending history and storytelling, Jake Barton draws you into historical tales you’ve probably never heard before.
Podcasting since 2016 • 88 episodes
Latest Episodes
#83: GRAVEYARD OF EMPIRES: Last Man Standing
Against all odds, Shuja rises again. A figurehead for the British East India Company, he watches as an invading army devastates his homeland—in his name. Meanwhile, Dost Mohammed’s son Akbar Khan leads a counterforce to be reckoned with. In tim...

#82 GRAVEYARD OF EMPIRES - Tournament of Shadows
The British East India Company plots an invasion of Afghanistan. A bogus casus belli and puppet king are all they need—and the rivalry between their agent, Alexander Burnes, and a Russian spy named Ivan Vitkevitch becomes a zero sum game. ...

#81 GRAVEYARD OF EMPIRES - The Ballad of Shah Shuja
In early 19th century Afghanistan, two warring dynasties contend for the throne. While the Sadozai brothers—grandsons of the empire’s founding king—feud amongst themselves, the Barakzai clan plots its ascendance. Shuja ul-Mulk of the Sa...