
#83: GRAVEYARD OF EMPIRES: Last Man Standing

Jake Barton

Against all odds, Shuja rises again. A figurehead for the British East India Company, he watches as an invading army devastates his homeland—in his name. Meanwhile, Dost Mohammed’s son Akbar Khan leads a counterforce to be reckoned with. In time, he becomes a threat to his own father’s power. The British, chief among them Alexander Burnes, learn the hard way: The wicked will not go unpunished.

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Complete original score by (MST).
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Substack: ://mountainstandardtime.substack.com/
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/mountainstandard 


Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan by William Dalrymple

Afghanistan in the Age of Empires: The Great Game for South and Central Asia by Farrukh Husain

Siraj al-Tawarikh by Faiz Muhammad Kāteb and translated by Robert D. McChesney.

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